Post Comment Love and Newbie Showcase 15-17 April 2016

Welcome back to another week of #PoCoLo and I'm really not sure where this week has gone. Friday's seem to be rolling around quite quickly these days, which I guess is no bad thing!

This week I'm pleased to share another fab Newbie Showcase with you, but before we get to that I want to tell you about some changes Morgan and I have made to how we run the Newbie Showcase feature.  We had a couple of weeks where it was getting a little hairy and we were more frazzled than we needed to be trying to get content for this feature. Lots of you helped out and suggested people and provided content at very short notice, but we felt it wasn't sustainable and definitely not good for our nerves.

The change we've made is that if you want to be featured in the Newbie Showcase section and your blog is less than a year old then we're more than happy to have you but we won't give you a date until we've received your info. It seems to be working well so far and we've already booked slots for the next few weeks, and Morgan and I are calmer about it too, so that's a good thing. Phew.

So if your blog is under a year old and you'd like to be featured in a future Newbie Showcase then please get in touch and drop us an email.

 Newbie Showcase: Michaela from The Mummy Diaries

Hello I'm Michaela, and my blog is The Mummy Diaries. I have a little girl called Heidi who I could never imagine my life without now. I often wonder what I ever did with my time before I had her, then I remember sleep! lol.

I live in the North West of England and couldn't imagine living anywhere else.  I'm a full time working mum and work in Finance in the NHS. Not very exciting but hey ho it pays the bills.

I started my blog in February 2016 not knowing if I would be any good at it or if anyone would want to or actually read my posts. As you can probably tell from that I do suffer with lack of confidence. I hoped writing this blog would improve my confidence issue and it has because getting the lovely feedback I do and talking to the lovely people I have met has shown me I can do it.

I like to share what I've learnt since becoming a mum and if I can help anyone with what I have to write then I'm happy and have achieved what I set out to do. 

Just to introduce myself a bit more here are five random facts about myself:

  1. I Love listening to Justin Bieber, but who doesn't!

  2. I have two younger brothers

  3. I have three tattoos 

  4. I love reality TV and

  5. I love to eat sprouts

My favourite posts are my pregnancy story of my daughter Heidi because I love to share my story and would tell anyone who would listen. My second favourite is the transition to toddler bed because again sometimes as a new mum you wonder when is the best time and it's always nice to hear other mum's experiences.

Connect with Michaela here

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