A boost of a walk through a sunny Greenwich

After two days of staying indoors I was starting to go a little stir-crazy. I'm not sure why as two days isn't long at all. The weather hadn't been great, but it hadn't been as bad as earlier in the year either, so it couldn't be that.  Maybe it was just because I've got used to being out and about. 

So as luck would have it, it was a beautiful day and far too nice to stay indoors...

I decided a walk into Greenwich would be just the thing I needed to give myself a boost. And I wasn't disappointed as the colours on show in the Flower Garden were fantastic. 


The many squirrels were scampering about too, and they're not shy about approaching 

people. I found myself telling them I didn't have any food for them and to hurry out of my way, at one point they had me surrounded but my sternest voice showed them I meant business and they let me pass. I laughed as I thought of the newspaper headlines "Woman ambushed by gang of squirrels" and went on my way towards the Royal Observatory and General Wolfe. 

Both were looking great against the very blue sky.


I headed down the steep path from the Observatory skipping past the groups of tourists walking at "tourist pace" (as I do when I'm a tourist) and onto the National Maritime Museum. 


Pausing here for a while to admire the anchors and take in quite a lot of people-spotting. Then it was over the Trafalgar Road and its traffic, past this fountain for a glimpse of the river all the while hearing the organised but still chaotic rehearsals of the music students nearby. 


I'd made it to the river, so it seemed rude not to take a peek at yet another of Greenwich's landmarks. And there she was looking resplendent on her "glass wave" - the Cutty Sark. 


Feeling energised once more I headed towards Greenwich Park and home. Instead of walking my usual route through the park I paused for a short while in the "secret" Observatory Gardens (I'm sure many locals aren't aware it's there at all) before taking the deserted path back to General Wolfe and the noise of the visitors. 


It was amazing, for that short while I was in the most tranquil of places, far from the hub bub of everyday life, it was pure bliss. 

My walk had definitely done me good, but I couldn't finish this post without sharing another colourful photo, the new growth on the rhododendrons really was this vibrant and lush. 


What a great way to recharge my batteries. It takes a special kind of outdoors to do that. And for me, this was that special place.