Post Comment Love 17-19 February 2017

Hello there and welcome back to another #PoCoLo and thank you for your kind words and sympathy for my dentist visit last week, it's definitely one place that many of us would rather not go. I'm heading there again on Monday to pick up my mouthguard so that should be fun, and hopefully a lot less traumatic for me.

If you were here last week, thank you - I will get to your post soon, it's been a bit of a week - and if you're new here this week, welcome. We're a friendly bunch and we hope you'll fit right in.

We had the weekend in Norfolk, and for a change wasn't quite so lucky with the weather. I was glad that I didn't take my bike, and was very glad of mum and dad's open fire it was a great way to keep warm!  My photo this week is of their poinsettia - a pink variety, which I'd expect - and still going strong and quite apt for Valentines week.

Valentines for us this year was a cosy affair, we both worked from home, and so spent most of the day opposite each other across the table tapping away at our laptops in companionable (almost) silence, and then cooked a vegetarian curry for tea, which we washed down with a bottle of Vouvray, from Vouvray.  

Lovely and civilised, and for a change MOH who is usually heavy handed on his keyboard, didn't rock the table at all.  I think that could be though that our new table is just a bit more stable than the previous one, but it was appreciated nonetheless, a true Valentines treat! 

Blogger Showcase: Suzanne from Chickenruby

This week our Blogger Showcase is #PoCoLo regular Suzanne from Chickenruby and you can find out more about Suzanne over on Morgan's blog.  But before you go, I'm going to tease you with some info you might not know about Suzanne, who has no idea how she discovered blogging other than needing more than 140 characters to express herself. Her first blog post was about her week as a dalek, which sadly she hasn't listed in her top 3 posts, which is a shame as I think it'd be a corker.  And she doesn't have biscuits, as they give her migraines, well who knew, I'd be devastated if that happened to me.

If you're not already connected to Suzanne, do take a moment to pop over to her social links and say hello.

Twitter  -  Facebook  -  Google+  -  Instagram  -  Bloglovin'

For me, it's lovely to feature one of our regular linkers, so if you link regularly and have thought about getting in touch with answers to our questions, please do, Morgan and I would be very happy to include you in a future Blogger Showcase.