Street Art in Sesimbra

After the weather we’ve been having recently I’ve decided I need some sun on here, and unless the weather turns as predicted, let’s face it looking at holiday photos is the only way I’ll get some sun. So today we’re heading back to Sesimbra, which is just outside Lisbon for a look at some amazing street art. At first I didn’t notice them as art, but as we walked past more and more obvious pieces despite the heat we retraced our steps to capture some of those we’d overlooked to start with.

a friendly chap with a speech bubble on street furniture.jpg

The character of the man in the one above, and its unassuming ‘canvas’ is outstanding. It doesn’t matter what the words mean, to me at least.

We passed fishermen parallel to the beach, which couldn’t be mistaken for graffiti.

fishermen on a wall opposite the beach.jpg

The polaroids were also quite unexpected.

street art which look like black and white polaroid photos.jpg

And that’s before we saw the whale, which was opposite our hotel and somehow we’d missed as we left the hotel.

a large whale heading towards the sea.jpg

But look more closely - yes that’s a gap partway down the body. I told you they were something special didn’t I?

the huge whale with a window partway in the body.jpg

But I couldn’t let a post of a Portuguese town go by without a tile or two - or even a couple of doorways which caught my attention with all their faded glory.

faded charm in the streets of sesimbra.jpg
tiles in sesimbra.jpg

Sigh. We’re not planning to travel abroad this year, but hopefully when things are a little less unusual we’ll be planning a trip somewhere fantastic.