An abundance of alliums

Sssshhhh, it’s almost starting to feel a little spring-like. From my desk I can see daffodils bobbing away in the wind, which at times has been a bit too windy to really be spring, but even so, I’m amazed by the number of people that stop and take a photo of them. Perhaps it’s because they edge a busy road into Greenwich town centre and are unexpected, or perhaps like me people are just welcoming signs of spring.

In my garden my snowdrops are out in full force and while we’re a while away from alliums, when I spotted these photos from my visit to the Chelsea Flower Show last May, I knew it was time to share them here, as a reminder that we will have alliums again in a couple of months.

Layers of alliums in the pavilion at chelsea

I can’t help but like alliums. They clamber for our attention, growing on their single tall stems and then burst in a ball of fluffiness. Since I’ve learnt they’ll grow in our garden, I think I’ve liked them even more. I have them planted alongside the patio and if I’m honest it’s not the best soil, or even the deepest but like so many other plants they do their best and I’m grateful for that.

standing tall and in rows

Every year when they start to flower, I remember how striking they are and then wonder why I’ve not bought and planted more. I really should.

Of course in autumn, the last thing I’m thinking about is alliums, but again I really should, as that’s when they need planting.

pale pink alliums

I’m sure though that I’d be bamboozled by the variety and choice available and if you need a visual representation of how that might look, just look below.

these alliums seem to have gone somewhat awry

The alliums in the pavilion at Chelsea are always on my route, even if I have to track them down, which honestly isn’t a problem or even that hard. They’re the type of plant that really has impact, even when they’re a little bit haywire, or sputnik-like.

These alliums are less spherical than we're used to
alliums with a touch of thistle about them

Or it seems, trying to camouflage themselves as thistles, although I do quite like these, what do you think?