Dad's Norfolk garden in Spring

It's been a while since I shared pictures from my Dad's garden - September last year in fact: A hard-working and productful garden - so as we're spending a few days in Sunny Hunny I thought I'd take you on a tour to see what's going on. Sunny Hunny (aka Hunstanton) lived up to its nickname yesterday and I have the rather attractive T-Shirt tan lines from our cycle around the back lanes to Burnham Overy Staithe and the pub to prove it!  It's not a great look...

These oxalis and mind your own business (I love its name!) peering out from underneath the greenhouse staging is a much more welcome sight.


As is the burgundy of heuchera above and the green lush aquilegia leaves, which those white star-shaped flowers are using for support.


There's a fair amount of pink in Dad's garden throughout the year, and that's by design as Mum is partial to a bit of pink. Right now there's this brightly coloured bush, which looks a touch azalea-ish to me and some pink bluebells, or should that be pinkbells?


There's also some bluebells and some muscari or grape hyacinths, and I think Spring is probably the one season where there'll be blue flowers in this garden...


There have been a few discoveries too, the most notable are these abandoned eggs under the sweet pea trellis. A duck had been spotted in the garden and not too long after the eggs were found, but who knows - let's not hope they turn into a brood of ducklings, it's unlikely as nothing is taking care of the eggs - but that is also a shame. They're well hidden which is why I suspect they've been unharmed so far.


Around the garden plants are fit to burst into flower, just look at this poppy:


And the peonies and lupins aren't far behind either:


In the front garden there's also colour, this beautiful rose is already flowering and the pale pink clematis is clambering over wherever it can! But it's a beautiful one...


And I haven't even got to the veg patch yet, where there's potatoes, onions and broad beans on the go along with some tomato and beetroot seedlings, and I'm sure there'll be runner beans at some point.  As it just wouldn't be my Dad's garden without runner beans!
