A bargain Hyacinth

I've been seeing lots of hyacinth's around this year, and tulips too and I've been feeling as if I was missing out. I bought some tulips at the weekend - the rhubarb and custard sort, if you know what I mean. To start with one insisted on doing its own thing, but after an overnight banishment to the cooler conservatory I was pleased to see that it had righted itself.

And that was, I thought that. Tulip envy satiated.

Then on Monday, it was just too nice to sit at my desk at lunchtime so I wandered off to the local supermarket to pick up some milk. Just inside the door were trays of hyacinths, which I couldn't quite bring myself to walk past without taking a peek.

Needless to say it wasn't long before I was deciding which one I'd put in my basket. And at just £1.49 each I was wondering how many I should leave with...


And stumped for anything garden related to write about today I managed to grab a few photos of my bargain hyacinth in the morning light before heading off to work. Imagine what a treat it was then to get home from work and have around half an hour of daylight too, not that I did anything productive with it, but it was good to see.

Spring is definitely on its way.

hyacinth in a pot
hyacinth bulbs

And in case you're wondering I did leave with just one - hopefully a pink one. Although I did consider going back the next day and buying a few more, but I've resisted so far...

hyacinth in black and white