A gift guide for cyclists

You know how it is, you've presents to buy and you've no idea where to start. You know they quite like cycling, but that doesn't really help you either because as with any hobby or sport a certain amount of knowledge is needed. 

It's never just as simple as just buying something for the bike is it?

In this gift guide I've put together some suggestions, some fun, some serious of what the cyclist in your life might appreciate this festive season. One of these is the first Christmas present I bought, but which one?  I'll not share yet, just in case this is the one post that MOH reads here before the big day, and if you're reading - he, he, he - be worried, be very worried!!

So whether it's a very festive Christmas-jumper style cycling top, or cycle related clothing who knows?  The Cycology clothing makes a regular appearance in my Facebook feed and I think they've a good range and one that nods to a cycling habit, but also very wearable. 

The Crank Brothers cycling multi-tool is the one I have, it's not the lightest, but then again nor is my bike. But after a few chain incidents I wouldn't be without it, and I don't cycle anywhere without it.  I work on the theory that even if I don't know how to use it all - and I do know how to put my chain back on now - then if I was having a bike incident then at least having the tool is a start. Cyclists generally are a friendly bunch and I'm sure one would stop and help, so having an idea and a multi-tool is a very good start. Plus this one's super stylish too.

You'll not be surprised to see a basket on my gift guide, my basket is an essential piece of kit for my bike. MOH is likely to be very afraid now as I keep threatening to buy him one for his bike, as when we're out together he often gives me stuff to put in my basket. It's the cycling equivalent of "can you just put my keys in your handbag!" - please tell me you get asked that too?!

There's a navigation device which is billed as a smart compass which can be strapped onto handlebar, looks more like a bell than anything else I've seen and avoids the need to stop and check your phone for the route, and better still avoids having your phone strapped to the handlebars.  If that's not your thing, then having a stylish bell that really is a bell might work. All bikes are sold with a bell now, but often they're cheap and nasty and quickly rust, so a good looking, small and loud bell could be the thing for your cyclist.

If they're a more serious cyclist, then they've probably eschewed mudguards because either they don't fit, or spoil the look of the bike, or worse still add extra weight and affect the aerodynamics.  You can tell I speak from experience can't you?  But on wet days, your cyclist will come home with a trail of mud up their clothes and that's where the Ass Saver comes in. It quite literally does what it says, is lightweight and even the most discerning cyclist will consider this, so I'm told.

My final entry on this list is waterproof socks. Apparently you can never have too many, and once you've tried them you wouldn't be without them. I've not tried them but the idea of cold, wet feet while out cycling doesn't appeal, but then again wearing cycling shoes with mesh or holes in the bottom (for cleats) isn't my thing either.

Hopefully there'll have been some ideas that you can use to provide the perfect gift for your cyclist. And if you're a cyclist, what else would you add?