Post Comment Love & Blogger Showcase 26 - 28 October

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo the place for you to share any post you’ve published this week, that could do with some extra love. If you were here last week it was great to see you, if you’re new here this week then hello, you’re very welcome. Both Morgan and I are sure you’re going to find some fantastic blogs to read.

My week hasn’t turned out quite how I thought it would, but more on that another day. It’s not been a bad week, just one with a last minute change of plan - just as well I’m flexible, isn’t it? The other thing of note is the weather, which I think is summed up with my photo this week.

There’s signs of autumn, isn’t there? The leaves are falling, the morning’s are damp, the heating is kicking in, but then the sun’s still out, it’s been relatively warm - last weekend was gorgeous - and I’m still hanging onto wearing sandals, although even I think my sandal days are numbered. But it’s good, it’s almost the end of October and tights haven’t even really been considered, that has to be good!

sandals in october, in the UK

Blogger Showcase: Crimson from Crimson Talks Books, Mostly

1 Who are you?

Hi! My name is Crimson (or Lisette). Feel free to call me by either name. My pronouns are she/they (though you’ll often find me using they when I speak about myself in the third person) and I am currently in school, hoping to graduate in the summer with a Bachelor in Arts. I’m a HUGE NERD and currently run two blogs. One - My Fujoshi Life - is for me to scream about all my bishie loves, and the other - Crimson Talks Books, Mostly - is for book, movies, and lifestyle content.

My favourite colour is orange, fall is my favourite season, and I love to buy stationery! I have so much junk, I don’t know what to do with half the notebooks I own.

2 How did you discover blogs/blogging?

This was about seven years ago. I was just browsing the internet and I noticed that there were websites made by individuals with some great content, which was strange to me because websites were usually made by organisations. I wasn’t really sure what it was but I was curious to learn more about it.

3 Why did you start blogging?

I really liked the blogs that I had seen and I thought it would be cool if I tried my hand at blogging as well. I also wanted an outlet to fangirl at and to talk about my life at university.

4 What do you find most challenging?

Trying to keep an audience among the plethora of bloggers. I always feel like I’m the worst blogger out there and I often find myself wondering if I should just stop blogging. I also find it so hard to keep up with blogs for the same reason! There’s so many blogs out there updating at least once a day and I just can’t keep up with everything.

5 What is your favourite topic to write about?

I like to write about things I’m excited for, which can be anything really. A book, a movie, a TV series, an anime, a character, school, etc.

6 Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I blog for fun but also I’m at that point where blogging is a hard hobby to maintain because I’m supposed to be adulting. So my goals are basically to make money off my blog so that it’s more of a part-time job. Unfortunately, it’s harder to do than expected!

7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?

The community. I really like talking with bloggers, especially when we’re talking about things we both love! After that I would say being able to just get all my thoughts and feelings out on the internet. Sometimes I just have an overload in my mind and need to declutter or I end up frying myself.

8 Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

Nope! Didn’t even know these existed. Now I want to attend one!

9 What are your 3 best posts?

I’m part of a blogging group called OWLS (Otaku Warriors of Liberty and Self-Respect) and I think all my posts that I write for their blog tours are my best. Here are some:

10 Describe yourself in 3 words!

Sporadic, Nerd, and Fujoshi

11 Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Tough question! A few years ago I would have definitely said coffee but lately I’ve been more of a cinnamon tea type of person, though I do crave a latte every now and then. As for my treat, I’ll go with a croissant!

12 What’s your idea of a perfect night out?

I actually prefer not to go out. I’m a hermit, lol. But I guess something along the lines of fall weather, casual setting, and going with someone I enjoy the company of. I swear, someone can take me to a fast food joint and I won’t mind as long as we have something to talk about.

13 Your perfect night in?

My attempting to do some blogging with my mom by my side as she watches TV. And I say attempt because I’d probably be watching TV with her, haha.

14 What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

According to my mom it’s being a good companion.

Before you link up please take some time to connect with Crimson on her social channels: Twitter - Facebook - Instagram