Reflecting on my week #103

For most of last week we’ve been debating whether or not to watch the Rugby World Cup Final at home, or to head to the pub. Up until now we’ve watched all of the games at home, mostly as they’ve been fairly early. The one that was scheduled to be later, was the one that cancelled. In the end we didn’t make a decision until Saturday morning, after a fair bit of research during the week to identify the most suitable pub. That turned out to be one almost at the end of our garden (and over the road), which I’ve never actually been in before.

And so at 8.30 on Saturday morning after a very late decision we found ourselves queueing with plenty of regulars to get into the pub. And shortly after the rugby started we were armed with a pint of Guinness and a bacon roll, and a couple more of the former followed during the game too.

2019-10 RWC British Oak.jpg

As you’ll know the result wasn’t quite the one we were hoping for, especially after the game the previous Saturday, but the best side on the day won. And we found a pub that we’d happily go back to, and not just for the Guinness. The weather for most of the weekend, bar Sunday morning, has been pretty awful. At one point it looked like the big, free local firework display might be cancelled. We’d decided not to go this year, and I was pleased about that when I looked out the window.

Instead we spent much of the weekend indoors catching up with chores we’ve had little time to do during the week and some forward planning. You’ll know how much I like a plan, and it’s no different for our meals during the week. We have plenty of food in, and through meal planning, we’ll make the most of it for lunches and dinners this week and some for the freezer too, which during busy weeks are an absolute life saver, and it means we eat well too.

meal prep sunday

This weekend alone there’s now a slow cooked blade of beef chilli and some sag paneer in the freezer and for lunch respectively, added to the beef and butternut squash stew that’s already frozen and ready for when it’s needed. For lunches this week there’s already some buckwheat groats cooked to go with the leftover sag paneer, and some coronation chickpeas (think coronation chicken, but with chickpeas). There’s some plum crumble leftover too, which I’m sure will disappear quickly, and while the oven was on I roasted some beetroot which we’ll have with our lunches too.

We’ve branched out on our TV watching too; usually it’s plenty of home-type shows, Salvage Hunters and GBBO, other cooking shows. and sport. I record much more, but we tend to stick to our old faithfuls (or the same old c**p as we call it). Over the past week or so we’ve lightly-binge-watched The Widow, which it turns out was on ITV back in April. It’s the one with Kate Beckinsale, Alex Kingston and Charles Dance, and I suspect we’re the last people to actually watch it!

I’ve plenty more long-time recorded dramas to catch up on too, one day…

Our neighbour has finally started his building work, which will create a small, outside space for his first and second floor flat, on the top of his bathroom’s flat roof. It’s a challenging build, not least for the scaffolding, as he doesn’t have any ground floor access at the back. All of the scaffolding has come up the front, through the roof void, and down the back, and our view of it at the rear looks like this:

our view of next door's scaffolding

There’s a lot more scaffolding than we were expecting, but it’ll only be there for a month or so (we hope). It’s out the front too, and I’ve not quite got used to the view of the workmen arriving for work and heading past our bedroom window.

A ladder goes past our bedroom window

We’ve a couple of domestic woes too. Through the process of elimination, we’ve confirmed our boiler is leaking. We initially thought the water only appeared when it rained heavily, but that’s not the case. We now know that it leaks within fifteen minutes, which isn’t good news, so our plumber is due to come back.

The second is wasps. And not in gardening gloves this time, but in our study. Each time we’ve been in the room we’ve discovered one or two wasps climbing up the window, and so dutifully we’ve let them out. Keeping a tally, we realised it wasn’t the once or twice off we’d both thought. Yesterday we took a closer look, MOH was convinced they were in my craft supplies (they weren’t) and with things moved out of the way we’ve worked out they’re not inside, but are more likely in the mansard roof, somewhere, possibly behind the slates.

Of course, while I’ve been on wasp watch, none appeared. Talking to our neighbour (the one with the scaffolding) he too had noticed an increase of dozy wasps, and thinks they could be in the ivy growing on the ground floor flat’s walls. They could be, but it’s a really good time for there to be scaffolding up, not that I’ll be going up it, or anywhere near it in fact.

The joys of having a house hey?