Lettres a picots

We’ve been in Norfolk for a few days and have spent some time exploring some of North Norfolk’s villages, trying to get a feel for them in the name of research. We spent some time in Wells, and visited their new arts centre, looking at a painting exhibition and voting for our favourites which of course, couldn’t have been more different. I didn’t like the one MOH chose at all, and I’m sure he wasn’t that taken with the one I chose either, so that was quite a reminder of how difficult we find to agree on artwork, which is why it took us so long to decide on one for our living room.

Thankfully though, this was just for a competition so agreement wasn’t necessary, which is good because I don’t think we’d have agreed on either. But it was thirsty - or rather hungry work - so our next stop was the shops at Creake Abbey, a long time favourite. Coffee and walnut cake for him and chocolate cake with peanut butter for me, it was better than it sounds and more adventurous than a Victoria Sponge.

Coffeed and caked, next up was a stroll around the shops. Home by Annie Lambert has the best selection of tin pots, tubs, receptacles I know of - and I’ve photos to share, but not today.

Today it’s all about the box.

It wasn’t what caught my magpie eye either, that was the shells and coral next to it. But as I looked my eyes wandered right.

shells, coral and a box that just needed to be opened

Lettres Kis-Pic A Picots?


Well of course I opened the box. Look what was inside:

Inside were letters and numbers

These vintage letters for a noticeboard along with a black velvet board. I was quite tempted, but there was still so much else to see in the shop. And there does seem to be an extraordinary amount of Es!

Now I wish I’d bought them. I have no use for them, but aren’t they lovely?

…Maybe a trip back there is needed…