A fence post, or two, that made me smile

Yes, you did read that right - and I think once you see them you’ll probably agree with me. Or you’ll think I’m completely bonkers. And if you do, I’d like to point out that I only photographed them. I’m not sure of their purpose - other than to perhaps brighten up some raised beds, and raise a smile or two. I’d love to know more about them, and who decorated, what look like fence posts.

on the cliff top in hunstanton.jpeg

Very nice fence posts. Now. Some with messages.

painted fenceposts looking out to sea

Love your garden.


Fifty shades of summer.

Gone to the beach.

All great messages, and all very uplifting. My favourites are the ones on the left of the photo below, especially the one with the pale background and various flowers.

many colours, many patterns, many fence posts

Though it seems when I was there I was more taken with the beds on the right, as I’ve many more photos of those.

decorated fence posts

But they made me smile, and I hope they’ve made you smile too!
