The Moo Loo entry in the Loo Series

During our short break in Suffolk we took the bikes out and cycled through the country lanes from Fressingfield to Framlingham in the beautiful sunshine. It was market day in Framlingham and after a wander around the stalls we thought tea and cake were in order and so found ourselves a spot overlooking the Market Square and watched the world go by for a bit. 

With a ten mile cycle back to the cottage ahead of us, there was one final visit needed. And so that's when I found myself in the Ladies at the Crown Inn at Framlingham, I think it's safe to say I wasn't expecting this.

The first indication these were a loo with a moo

I mean it's not as if the rest of the decor was shabby, but it was more traditional in its nature. In the Ladies though the cows with a fuchsia background really did take centre stage.  It was only later as I edited these photos that I noticed something unusual about the tiles - have you spotted it?

Admiring the rest of the ladies at the Crown Inn in Framlingham

Yes, the tiles have been laid vertically rather than the usual horizontal. And now I've noticed I'm not sure about them, or how I feel. It's not something I would have thought to do with this size tile, but what do you think?

The wallpaper needed some chunky accessories to compete with it, and the grand mirrors were a good match.

Grand mirrors in the ladies at the Crown Inn in Framlingham

And a couple of them side by side gave perfect balance on an otherwise plain wall.

Two huge and grand mirrors in the ladies at the Crown Inn in Framlingham

And large mirrors, need large sinks - so again top marks to the designers here as they managed some very large sinks.

And what better than to put underneath the large mirrors?  Large sinks of course!

And to show you how large the mirrors are, here I am.

I know I'm short but I told you those mirrors were large didn't I?

Considering I'd had my cycle helmet on I was quite impressed with my hair - or the bit I could see anyway!

So before I close, here's one final shot of the wallpaper and mirrors - aren't they great?

A final look at the moo loos in the ladies at the Crown Inn in Framlingham

For me this is the kind of wallpaper I adore - quirky, bold and fun - but also something I probably wouldn't have at home, although I can see this kind of bold print working really well in a downstairs loo.  What do you think?

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