Starting a journal for 2022

`I’ve long been a notebook fan, some might say hoarder - I’m not, I’m just waiting for the right occasion to use them, which is completely different! I’ve also long admired the stunning layouts for bullet journals on instagram, and some really are pieces of art. Now I should point out, mine aren’t - but equally I don’t think that should stop me (or anyone) starting a journal.

I’ve considered starting one before, but quite honestly, I’ve long since given up a paper diary and really don’t see the need to go back. I’m totally bought into storing my appointments and tasks, and plenty of lists, digitally and across all my devices.

But, I keep coming back to how pretty the journals are. And then I had the realisation that I only needed to record things that matter, not the minutiae of everyday life, and so this weekend I finally got started.

An open journal on a desk - January header page with key dates and sticker with the month layout (key dates are obscured by a pink sticky)

I know that most journals aren’t lined, but mine is and I’ll work around that. As I hone and refine my skills and ambitions that may change, but I’m pleased to be using a notebook that I already have. I’ve decided to have a monthly header page, and have bought some very cute calendar stickers for the year. I’ve already learnt that there are a wealth of sticker shops over on Etsy, so you can be as artistic as you like, or not at all.

I intend to include some of my own brush lettering, but not yet - I was too keen to get started and map out a few pages. A few years back I started learning brush lettering, and this will give me the perfect reason to pick that up again. I’m planning another brush lettering project, but I’ll share more on that another time.

Each year, since 2014 it turns out, I’ve set myself a word for the year - and this is absolutely something I want to include in my journal. I’ve not yet decided on my word for this year, but I’m expecting it to be way ahead of last year when I didn’t share it until the end of April! The quote from Jane Austen seemed to fit with these pages too.

An open journal on a desk; left hand page has a quote - it isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do. Jane Austen - washi taped onto the page.  On the right hand page a title of My Word, with a table below for previous yearly words


Over the years I’ve collected many journalling cards, stickers and the odd pretty paper or two and I’m planning to put these to good use. I’m forever saying ‘when was it we went to x’ and often I look on my blog to check, so adding pages to record this makes sense. The cactus and palm tree stickers, and the washi tape, were part of a previous stationery subscription box which I knew I’d make use of at some point.

Open journal on a desk.  Adventure sticker on the left hand page, across the bottom of both pages cactus and palm tree stickers.
Continuation pages for adventures (holidays) with washi tape added to the bottom of the page along with palm trees and a motel - palm springs vacancy sign

I’ve allowed for a continuation page, as I’m hoping that we will get out and about across the country throughout the year - though at the moment we don’t have plans past May. Yet.

I also knew that I wanted to record the yarn names from my Yarn Advent box, and the blanket that I’ll make with them this year. I’ve more to do on this - including winding the wool - but I’m hoping to get going with this soon. I’m trying to be disciplined with myself as I much prefer to crochet projects than to make up projects, and I have a project sitting alongside me that needs sewing up. So the plan is to finish that first - it’s a mental block I know - because I’m really keen to get my latest project sewn together so I can start wearing it! You’ll know when I’ve done it, I’m sure.

I’ve realised that a lot of my pages will go across the year, and be interspersed with the month header pages and a ‘month review’ page too, which I’m planning to use to give a summary of the month. I’ve an idea in my mind to use the same headings each month, as I think that will give some consistency and capture what I’m hoping it will.

I know that throughout the year we’ll have a few house projects - I’ve started on my list, and I know MOH will have some things to add, so I’ll share more about our plans at some point. These pages will have a check box that I can tick off when things are complete - the best kind of list, if you ask me!

An open journal on a desk; right hand page journalling card with four houses and the words house projects.  A list below, obscured by a sticky note

The other page I’ve set up already is a page to record how I get on with Yoga. I’ve been following Yoga With Adrienne for a few months now, and was really getting into the 30 day Move challenge for January. That is, until I twinged my knee during my MIL’s move - and twinge is a bit of an understatement, it really hurt. It’s getting better and hurts less, and I was surprised that a recent CST session also accelerated its improvement. I wasn’t expecting that, but was very glad it did.

An open journal on a desk.  Left page, green patterned scalloped paper with a quote - love is the beauty of the soul, Saint Augustine - right hand page, a vertical strip of dotty washi tape.


It’s also the first page where I’m using one of the papers I have, it had the scalloped edge and it works really well. As does the quote, I think.

So there you have it, a quick run through of my first foray into journalling. And journalling that works for me - or at least, I hope it will. I already have a list of other pages I can include, and I’m sure these will develop over the year - but if you journal, I’m keen to hear what else I could include.

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