Reflecting on my week #114

The wool that I told you about last week arrived, and is just as pretty as in the picture. I’ve still no idea what I’ll make with it, but that’s a whole other project. Isn’t it pretty?

hand dyed wool

It was a chilly start to the week here and walking to work was more of a challenge than I’d like it to be. Strangely though walking home was less cold, and preferable to the morning walks. MOH had his first appointment with the consultant, and while that went well they wanted some blood (again) and that wasn’t quite so successful and he’s going back again to give them some more this week.

After a few days not giving him so many errands or jobs, I made the most of it on Thursday and he did well. I could get used to having a house husband (I couldn’t - I wouldn’t want to go to work either!), he’ll be back at work this week and hopefully the consultant will also give him some news, and treatment, to lessen the pain, and to get the little kidney stone out.

We headed out to another new-to-us garden on Saturday, this time Nymans in West Sussex, another National Trust garden. That’s two in two weeks, and both first time visits for us. It was a little foggy on Saturday though, but that made for an atmospheric walk around the gardens. We stopped for lunch, and will be back again when the weather’s nicer to explore some more.

fog at Nyman's garden on Saturday

Our visit did provide our first snowdrop viewing of the year though. MOH tells me we have some out in our garden but i’ve not ventured out there for a bit, so I’m taking his word for it. It’s funny to hear him describe them - he’s still learning plant names - but we’ve also got cyclamen flowering, and some geraniums which are bucking the seasons. There’s much to do in our garden, but, perhaps not just yet.

snowdrops at Nymans

Next door’s work is continuing. The scaffolding’s still up (note the orange ladder) but there’s progress with deliveries and multiple workmen, during the week. Another good thing about MOH being home! Saturday morning was a hive of activity, and new tenants moving into the rented flat next door too. And yes, I was that neighbour who needed to get out…

just one or two vehicles on the shared drive

This weekend through our meals we’ve given a nod to both Burns Night and to the Chinese New Year, with haggis on Saturday and Kung Pao prawns yesterday. There’s a bit of haggis left and my plan is to concoct some kind of haggis, lentil and vegetable ‘shepherds-type’ pie, which MOH keeps wrinkling his nose at, but I’m confident will at the very least, be edible!

We’ve started to watch the docu-drama Chernobyl, based on the real life events. MOH watched it on the plane to/from Barbados and thought it so good he bought the DVD, as he wanted to watch it on a proper sized screen. We’re three episodes in, and it’s shocking, as we obviously knew it would be, but probably more so with the real stories that are told. It definitely makes you think, and makes you wonder about comparatives to current events.

Stay safe peoples.