My garden in December

There has been very little gardening in December, and not that many trips past the back door in all honesty. Those that have taken place were mainly to collect herbs, like this sage, to add to cooking, including my own sage and onion stuffing. The plant is still going strong, so there could be plenty more of that to come too, which is good news.

sage in my garden

The cover on the agapanthus is providing a new visual spectacle in our garden, with the raindrops it looks quite pretty. Who knew, gardening fleece could look so pretty?

agapanthus under cover

Outside the shed the ferns seem to be doing well.

ferns and greenery
pots outside the shed

Though there are more leaves, and slimy ones at that, in the slate outside the shed. Another job for MOH!

leaves in the slate

In the rear bed, these white berries shone against the plant’s bare branches - I think they’re a kind of myrtle, I’ll have to look them up to see what they are.

white berries on a bare plant

The days I’ve been outside have also been grey and dreary, and uninspiring. I think that shows in the photos this month, but I guess that’s what we’ve had this December.

There was one photo that was a little unusual - I’ve no idea how I managed to take it - and while it’s blurred I kind of like it too.

leaves in a whirl

I think I’ll call it leaves in a whirl!