Reflecting on my week #101

Sometimes it’s the little things, isn’t it? When someone notices, when they say thanks, when their actions give you that warm fuzzy feeling. That happened today, and was accompanied by this card and a box of chocolates too. And it couldn’t have been more timely, or infact unexpected, but nonetheless welcomed.

always wear your invisible crown

More than ever I feel these updates are about how busy I am, how much more there is to do and how I’m not doing everything I set out to do. They’re not fun to write, let alone read, but they are real life. This past week though there’s been an impromptu pub session with a good old chinwag, some pizza and quite a lot of red wine, and very good it was too.

Usually Friday evenings are my digital detox night. This week that stretched through most of Saturday too. With a couple of rugby games to watch out came my crochet, to make some more progress on the shell border. I got there in the end, but there was a few false starts and some unraveling along the way.


There’s still more to do, including a border of squares (which the patten currently has me stumped at) and then some more rounds to finish, so it’ll be a while yet. It’s coming along nicely, and once I’ve cracked the next set of squares, I’m hoping there’ll be no stopping me.

As the temperatures are dropping, i’ve already got my next project lined up. Not being much of one for coats, it’s a snuggly poncho, though i might adapt a pattern, if I’m feeling brave. It’s worked in a single piece, so the bonus is that it’ll keep me warm as I go as well as it’s intended use.

This weekend just gone we were out for lunch celebrating my MILs birthday. The Sunday lunch was good, so was the company, but it was just a little bit loud. Which makes me feel about 105, but being able to have a conversation across a table of five would have been handy. Though I’ll admit at times being cocooned in my own world has its appeal too.

Another short update from me, but at least there’s an update. Of sorts.

I’ve a day off on Friday and already the list of things I want to tackle will take me into the middle of next week, and that’s before I realised I’m seriously behind with my Christmas shopping (sorry to mention the C-word). And before you say I’m not, I am. This year our family Christmas is on 30 November, a date when usually I’m just starting my shopping.

Wish me luck. Or worry for the presents my family are likely to receive…