Stained glass and plenty of colour

As well as the colour there’s plenty of green, and texture and height. A pristine path runs through the centre of this garden which was one from the Chelsea Flower Show in 2018, and as you can see in the Pavillion.

burncoose nurseries at the chelsea flower show in 2018

There’s plenty of flowers too, but what I like about this garden - apart from the colour - is how the green provides a backdrop for all the colour, which complements the stained glass window. The window itself, for me I see a landscape, the sea and the sky, but maybe you see something different?

a copper spiral adding height and echoing the spiky flowers

It also shows how height makes a garden work, whether that’s through mixing the plants, or adding sculpture. Though the obelisk above looks like it could really do some damage.

reds, pinks and oranges combining in this display

In some ways the photo above is what I dislike about gardens, it’s all a bit matchy- matchy. For me, the colour in gardens need to be a bit clash-y, I think they work better - what do you think?