A walk in the park

On the Sunday before Christmas we wandered down into Greenwich for a very important errand, and that was to buy some cheese for festive period. Yes, very important. It was one of those clear and sunny days we've had recently and it was warm too, quite a treat. I loved the look of the lacy trees against the sky in Greenwich Park.


The sunlight too was catching this gnarly old trunk, doesn't it look great?


Our route through the park was different to usual, as rather than heading down into Greenwich we headed across the park and exited on Crooms Hill and cut through the side streets to the cheese shop - we were on a mission. These trees though were worth stopping (briefly) for. 


As we ducked around the side of the Observatory, onto what is probably my favourite path in the park away from the crowds I just had to stop to admire the brickwork, and the less than usual view towards Docklands.


The lacy trees were almost forgotten with this fragile looking fern, such a beautiful colour.


And then as we headed down the path, we noticed the hellebores with the sun shining straight onto the new growth. They looked truly stunning, and it's no wonder they're perhaps more advanced than usual.


Isn't nature wonderful?

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You Baby Me Mummy