Things in 3s: German influences

At the start of June we had a great holiday in Germany - as you'll know if you're following my cycle tour posts , while there's still a few more to come, this weekend I realised our Bavarian trip had influenced us more than I'd first thought.

This weekend I realised just how much, since we've been home we've:

1. Eaten pretzels for breakfast

Throughout our holiday, everywhere we went the bread was fantastic and breakfast wasn't the same if we didn't have at least one pretzel. They're not like the pretzel crisps we first think of but are more bread-like and most similar to bagels and very tasty. Marks & Spencer's sell some pretzels and pretzel rolls and while they're handy to fill a pretzel-like hole, they're not as good as the real thing.

2. Planted red geraniums in the patio pots

There were red geraniums everywhere we looked, and they looked great in the window boxes against the wood.  They're not a plant I usually buy but this year I did.  I've planted mine with some white lobelia and the pots along our patio are a cheery reminder of our holiday.

3. Booked tickets for the London Ocktoberfest

Ah yes the beer. And the beer gardens. They were great too. As was the curry wurst. So much so that we've booked tickets for the Ocktoberfest being held in Canary Wharf. I've no idea what it'll be like, but it should be good fun!

I'm keen to hear if there are things from your holidays that influence you, which you continue when you return home.  Leave a comment and let me know. 

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