Signs of Spring

Wasn't it a lovely day on Sunday? It was also the first day this year that I got to potter in the greenhouse, but more of that another time. As I wandered up the garden I couldn't help but notice the signs of Spring in our garden. And already it was looking different to a month ago

I did manage to get a shot of one of the daffodils, but only after I got hold of it. It's such a delicate colour and the frilly edges are equally as delicate. 


It's also the start of euphorbia-time in our garden. I love their acid green cheery flowerheads, MOH is less keen but he puts up with them. For the first time this weekend I heard him say there was more going on in our garden than he thought, but that you have to get up close to see it. I think that's progress because up to now his main beef has been that "it's just green."  I do wonder if that's because he's getting more involved with the garden and the allotment, could be...


The roses are starting to grow as well, the photos above and below are different plants but both have that red new growth thing going on which I'd not noticed before. Below is my Getrude Jekyll rambling rose which was my fourth wedding anniversary present from MOH. I'm pleased to see it looking so healthy as last year I moved it from its original position - probably at the wrong time - and while it lived, there were no flowers.  So hopefully I'll be luckier this year and it'll become the prolific flowerer that they can be, and it'll ramble up the fence and bring some colour close to the patio.

Getrude Jekyll Rose

Further up the garden the sun was on the currant berry - which is usually one of the first to flower in the garden. This year though it's had plenty of company and I wonder what it thinks about that.

Currant Berry

Our red camellia continues to be a late developer, compared to our neighbours anyway. Their camellia's have been flowering since Christmas - seriously - but ours, which is in a much more sheltered spot, has only managed a few flowers so far.  Let's hope it carries on. The new white camellia which I bought last April and is planted at the end of the garden is doing well.  I was surprised to see just how well when I looked back to how small it was when it arrived. It looks a bit healthier too, I think.

White Camellia

But the real winner for me, was the pear tree against the sky - ah the colours. It's not quite at the blossom stage yet - and it rarely gets to edible fruit stage - but it's a pretty tree, and especially when the sky is that colour behind it.

pear tree

Let's hope there's more blue sky this weekend (and beyond). Is your garden starting to wake up?