Post Comment Love & Newbie Showcase 4-6 March 2016

Hello there - we're in to March already - let's hope the weather catches on soon!  It's Friday again as well, so that means it's time for another #PoCoLo where you can link up any post from the last week that you feel could do with some extra love. Morgan and I are pleased to see both regular and new linkers each week and it's great to get to know you all through your blogs and the variety of posts you link each week. 

The post I'm linking this week is our small mountain of home-grown purple sprouting broccoli, which were the first plants we planted in our allotment last June so it's nice to finally see them come to fruition, although as you'll read we weren't the only ones interested in our crop.

But before that, let me introduce our newbie showcase this week.

Newbie Showcase: Jenna from Jenna Michelle Pink

Hello I am Jenna blogger at Jenna Michelle Pink, artist and full time mama of 2 small children – Bear and Fig.

I started my blog last year as a way to document my artistic journey, get writing frequently, encourage myself to practice my photography and to share my passions – art, image making and creativity.

I often find the challenges of balancing life with two under 3s whilst working in childcare and aiming to develop an art career challenging and exhausting. My blog has proven to be a healthy outlet for me and I feel has given me some extra creative focus. 

I post about a variety of topics mostly creative in nature. I frequently share the work of other artists and crafters who inspire me alongside the paintings I create, my personal photography and musings about motherhood and my life.  Each month I reflect on the month just passed with a gratitude and goal setting list. An important moment to sit and reflect.

I have suffered with anxiety most of my life and art has always been an important therapy for me. I truly believe that anybody can benefit from a regular creative practice. Part of the reason I created my blog was to encourage others to take that step into having a creative life. I share a variety of painting tutorials and I am looking forward to expanding this section this year. 

Anybody can make art if they allow themselves to try, it’s just a case of silencing that inner critic and getting stuck in there. If you would like to give one of my tutorials a go this sunflower painting and this abstract circle painting tutorial have both been quite popular and are great for beginners. 

As well as tutorials for adults I have a children’s art section on my blog. Here I document many of the artistic activities we do together as a family such as walking in paint and this bubble wrap printing craft.  I love finding new ways to share art with my babies. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you stop by. Also thank you to Stephanie and Morgan for showcasing my blog today. It is so greatly appreciated.

Connect with me here:

Blog  -  Twitter  -  Instagram  -  Facebook  -  Pinterest 

Please take time to visit Jenna and connect with her on Social Media.


Thank you Jenna, it's great to find out more about you and your blog.