Post Comment Love 27 - 29 October 2017

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo - if you were here last week it was great to see you, if you're new here then welcome - we had some great reads linked up last week, and I'm hoping for more of the same again, I know you won't disappoint me.

Once again I'm writing this post early as last night I was out in town at  Habitat on Tottenham Court Road, there's lights involved (and cocktails and some tunes) so look out for more on that soon. 

It struck me when starting out to write this post that I've taken very few photos this week, so I'm heading back to one from the greenhouse with this lovely yellow flower - a zinnia - that's looking cheery and vibrant, if not a little late flowering. 

After the drama of my car last Friday evening I have been running around to try and sort out a replacement. I was right to think it would be an expensive week - but hopefully that will calm down and I'll have wheels again.  I didn't think I was that reliant on my car, but of course it all happened when we had a busy few weekends.  I mean, when else would it happen?!

But back to the lovely yellow zinnia, and I can be calm again...

In the greenhouse

Blogger Showcase: Andolina from Lessons from a Student Mom

Andolina is a stay at home mom and a college student, hence the name of her blog - Lessons from a Student Mom - and she loves learning, which is just as well as she finds blogging a never-ending learning experience. I think she's right when she says there's unlikely to be another industry has a community that is more focused on community growth, rather than personal growth.

You can read Andolina's full answers over on Morgan's blog this week, so do pop over and take a look. And don't forget to connect with Andolina on social media:  Twitter  -  Facebook  -  Pinterest  -  Instagram