Kitchen houseplants with bite

After the colourful bedroom the exhibition led us into another room, this time not full with colour, instead carnivorous and tropical plants. I wasn’t expecting to see a kitchen included, and while this room was impressive, it didn’t get my vote. I think the plants used here were clever, the plants here looked great in the bright room - the sun on our visit, was also welcome.

old fashioned scales for the houseplant kitchen
weighing venus fly traps

The traditional scales were the highlight of the room. Carefully weighing the carnivorous plants, as you would. But don’t miss the succulents that are positioned as plates in the drying rack. Or just behind the rack, the copper saucepan planted up.

succulents shaped as plates in the drying rack
utensils on a rack with carnivorous plants

The rack too has some extra additions to the copper utensils. Overall it’s a very clever room and I can see why it’s here - for a while, I though this would be my favourite, but it was knocked off top spot by the room I was about to walk into…

[Sorry for the cliff hanger!]