My garden in March

I am so pleased that last year organised me bought and planted up some pots of bulbs. As this month we’re starting to see them emerge and I’m hopeful that we will soon have tulips to enjoy. I was hoping the local squirrel population wouldn’t disturb my good intentions and had inserted some sticks into each pot to deter them - whether it did or not, I’ve no idea, but the bulbs are growing and it’s good to see.

Looking down onto the new growth of tulip bulbs in a round pot on the patio

As well as plenty of signs of new life throughout the garden, March is also one of those months where there’s also reminders of the jobs to tackle. Alongside our patio the jasmine and the trellis have ‘captured’ several falling leaves and so, we’ll remove those and other leaves which over the winter have provided our plants with some protection. The spots of pink you can see are fallen petals from next door’s camellia and bring a welcome burst of colour, albeit faded in the early part of the month.

fallen leaves caught by the trellis and jasmine on the fence

And not all new growth, is the growth we want - we’ve also plenty of weeds making themselves known. Thankfully though these are easy to remove and are disposed of in our council green bin rather than our own compost bins. But even so, they are making the most of the early spring sun.

a close up of the weeds in a pot

One sure sign that spring is on its way is when our ornamental quince starts to flower, it’s often the first colour in the garden - here you can see its orange flowers, with a few of the yellow carreira flowers, which originally popped over from next door but have stayed.

orange flowers on the ornamental quince

From our kitchen table we’d been able to spot the palest of daffodils as they bobbed about in the sun and the wind. They’re pretty resilient and have lasted a fair while, and I don’t know about you but daffodils are one of the most cheeriest plants I know, whatever the variety. Many years ago we planted hundreds of bulbs and years later they are still rewarding us - at the time I questioned the number of bulbs we bought, but today’s me is ever grateful!

the palest of daffodils in the border enjoying the sun

The other thing about spring is spring cleaning, and our shed was long overdue a sort out. So with the forecast of a dry and sunny spring day, that became our task for the weekend. As it turned out, we’re getting so much better at sorting and tidying that it took us just a few hours and while we still managed to dispose of some of our accumulated junk (technical term there!) most of it went back in, and in a much more ordered and hopefully findable way.

Clearing out the shed - most of the contents are displayed on the grass
Larger items, bikes, tools, ladders and the lawnmower are stored temporarily on the circle and against the still covered patio table

Though I live under no illusion that this will need doing again in a few months time! But at least for now, it’s tidy and MOH can find the things he wants, and there’s somewhere to store our bikes which also makes our conservatory a much nicer space.

looking inside the shed at the three shelving units, which are neater and still have space

So, what’s happening in your garden this month?