Post Comment Love 15 - 17 June

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo - if you were here last week, it was great to see you. If you're new here then you're very welcome and I just know that you're going to find some cracking posts, and possibly even some new-to-you blogs. 

You'll remember that last week we had some time off, this week no such luck and that seems to be the theme of the week.  We weren't fortunate enough to escape The Letter about the allotment so we've spent some time over there strimming and generally make it look as if we're tending the plot, rather than just growing weeds, which admittedly is an easy mistake to make!

Sadly though I am still the human of choice for the midges (and worse) over there and once again I'm sporting some way too red and way too swollen bites. This time though I've one on my forearm which has been painful enough for me to actually phone the doctors.  If it carries on this way I'll be queuing for an emergency appointment this morning - I hope I'm not, but unless there's a dramatic change over night I think that's unlikely.

On a cheerier note, my photo this week is a burst of yellow - what else? - that I've walked past on my walking commute route.  Let's hope the bites calm down again, and that I become less tasty to the bite-y population.

A bush of yellow flowers on my way to work

Blogger Showcase: Karen from The Next Best Thing To Mummy

This week you can read Karen's full answers over on Morgan's blog, but before you go let me whet your appetite.  Some of you will most likely already know Karen and her blog as she is a #PoCoLo-er linker, she's chatty, kind and strong and blogs as a hobby to pass the time since a stroke - you'll find plenty of posts about child minding, but do pop over and find out more about Karen.

Don't forget to pop over and say hello on her social channels too:  Facebook  -  Twitter   -   Instagram.