The Garden Year: July

No prizes for spotting that this post and its linky wasn’t here on the first of the month, that’s partly what I meant when I said earlier that I’d lost my blogging rhythm, which I was keen to get back. So far, so good.

Here, the weather has been quite mixed. We should be enjoying warm summer days, but it’s been a bit grey and showery, much more like April weather, though as many gardeners say, it’s good for the garden. What is nice though is as we’re still working from home, and likely to be for the foreseeable future, when it is nice we can have lunch out there, and better still we can pop out and pick our salad to eat at lunch.

That feels a real treat. And I’m already looking forward to when our beans and other veggies start producing something to eat.

runner bean flowers

July in the garden:

  • Consider adding some weatherproof flowers that can cope well with sun or rain, such as achillea or honeysuckle.

  • Avoid cutting the grass too short in hot spells to prevent scorching.

  • Feed tomatoes, chillies, other veg and seasonal pots and baskets weekly with diluted liquid tomato feed.

  • Deadhead, deadhead, deadhead. It really does encourage more growth.

  • Water plants in the morning to prevent them drying out.

  • Check plants such as roses for blackspot, mildew and rust.

  • Pinch out the tops of your cordon tomatoes when they have four or five trusses of fruits.

  • Pick courgettes before they become marrows, which could literally be overnight!

  • Paint wooden sheds, fences and sleepers while the weather is dry - assuming it is.


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