Post Comment Love and Blogger Showcase 20-22 July

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo - if you were here last week it was great to see you.  If you're new here then you're very welcome.  Either way I just know you're going to find some fabulous posts to read.  There's something different for you this week and for the next few weeks, as while Morgan is away a couple of our regular linkers will be guest co-hosting with me. 

For today and for next Friday my co-host is Nikki from Something Strange, so as well as checking out our Blogger Showcase, please do pop over and say hello to @MrsTubbs.

I'm also sharing my photo much earlier than usual in my post.  Sadly this week the blogging community lost the funny, kind, generous and inspiring Kate Sutton from WitWitWoo way too soon.  Her two sons are fundraising for her funeral and even though they've already smashed their target it would be great to raise as much as we can to help in some little way.  You might have already read the hashtag #BeMoreWitWitWoo on Twitter, if not take a look, it's a fitting tribute to a great lady.  



The photo is the first time I met Kate at a golf blogging evening - like you do - and she couldn't have made me feel more welcome.  I remember laughing the whole evening, and not just at my spectacularly bad attempts at hitting the ball.  I met her several times afterwards at blogging conferences and events and each time she made time to stop and have a chat, and not just with me, with plenty of people. 

We should all definitely #BeMoreWitWitWoo 

Before I share this week's Blogger Showcase, would you like to be featured in a future post?  If so, send Morgan and I your answers to

Blogger Showcase: Jayla from My 23rd Year

1. Who are you?

My 'pen name' is Jayla Reeves. I like to keep my writing life separate from home life, even though I write at home mostly. It keeps me honest, believe it or not. I also don't believe in having a niche. And if I were to pick though, I'd say I'm my niche, simply because I write what interests me. Nothing more, nothing less.

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I would have to say Myspace in the early 2000s.

3. Why did you start blogging?

I just wanted a place to hold all my thoughts.

4. What do you find most challenging?

Building a following. I'm endlessly pursuing more readers.

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

Currently, stuff related to pop culture. I expect that to change. I want to get into some crime writing at some point. I'm a huge fan of true crime, among other things.

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I have goals. Hopefully attainable goals.

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I love having a place that's all my own to express my thoughts.

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

I have not because I'm fairly new to this, but I think it would be quite interesting. A good learning experience.

9. What are your 3 best posts?

  1. My top 5 podcast picks

  2. 5 habits of successful bloggers

  3. R. Kelly removed from Spotify playlists

10. Describe yourself in three words!

Driven.  Creative.  Witty.

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Coffee and cake!

12. What's your idea of a perfect night out?

Anything that involves music and dancing. I love you dance!

13. Your perfect night in?

Take out. I love me some food. And movies. Specifically horror movies.

14. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

I think they would say my best quality is my sense of humour.

Thanks for answering our questions Jayla and for sharing more about you and your blog.  Before we get to the link party, please do pop over and take a look at Jayla's blog and connect with her on her social channels:   Twitter  -  Tumblr