Dinner at The Pharmacy

When we go away I always set MOH a challenge of finding us somewhere to eat, and when we went to Lisbon that was no different but there was an addition this time as it was our wedding anniversary while we were away and so our plan was to celebrate this while we were in Lisbon. The actual day was during the walk, and even I think that might have been too much of a challenge for him, but to be fair, the boy did good.

In fact he excelled himself, and it’s definitely a challenge I’ll be repeating on future holidays. His sense of direction though isn’t anywhere near as good as his restaurant choices, as he’d been trying to manoeuvre a walk past of this restaurant on our travels around Lisbon. And while we came close, when he set out to find it, i realised why he was heading in the wrong direction, and wouldn’t have it.

The restaurant of choice was The Pharmacy - or Pharmacia, not to be confused with The Old Pharmacy which his internal navigation system was veering towards. It’s in this pretty grand building, and is very popular. We didn’t have a booking, but thought we’d try our luck

The Pharmacy restaurant in Lisbon

We arrived at these ornate gates, which hadn’t registered on my gate scale at the time, and we were in luck. There was a bit of a wait but we were promised a table. Result.

queuing at the gates for a table

While we were waiting I decided to check out the garden, which was mainly beds leading up to the gates and raised beds which acted as a retaining wall for the sloped grassed garden. And after a day in the sun, you can just imagine its scent.

admiring the honeysuckle in the garden

I still don’t know the name of these pretty pink flowers, and I’m still fascinated by the square central parts of the white flowers. Unusual, and pretty aren’t they?

pretty flowers at the Pharmacy

Much further away from the main part of the garden, and stuck out of the way I discovered this succulent beauty with its frilled edge leaves, and delicate pink colour. It’s a bit cabbage-esque isn’t it?

A frilly edged succulent

While I was still exploring and snapping parts of the garden our table became available, and so inside we went. The decor inside is eclectic and has a medical feel, which is carried through onto the menu, which arrives on a clipboard. Of course.

wall art in the restaurant had a medical theme
fun wallpaper and spotlights

Check out the wallpaper. And the curiosities.

As we were celebrating (and to be fair even if we hadn’t been) we ordered cocktails. MOH went for an LSD which arrived in a medical looking receptacle, and my antihistamine arrived with the instructions to eat the flowers. OK…

our cocktails with edible flowers

They were great, and tasty as well as pretty. His tasted like cough candy, and mine was much preferred. Having seen the decor where we were, and in the main restaurant, I had high hopes for the loos. And the signs above the lift fed the anticipation. However, as it turned out, they weren’t anything special at all. I think this is because the restaurant shares the building with a municipal space, and well, the loos were distinctly uninspiring.

I had high hopes for the loos

Back in the restaurant though, our table overlooked this cupboard which proved a popular stop for staff and something that provided a great people watching opportunity too.

a drinks cupboard to envy

The food was good, it was the sharing type and we had a good meal. I even took some photos, but let’s be honest there was no way he was sharing my matcha and pistachio panna cotta, which is an unusual pudding choice for me. I could have perhaps eaten at least another one.

i loved my pudding

But with these scales in sight, that didn’t happen.

thankfully we didn't need to step onto these