Reflecting on my week #141

Well, we did manage a paella as I hoped, though we’ve not managed as many barbecues in the last week as we’d hoped. What we hadn’t accounted for was how early it’s dark now. And how quickly it’s chilling down, that’s definitely more than a hint of autumn, but it’s not all bad.

I’d rigged up a string of solar lights across the garden in a very small attempt to get some light out there. Of course it doesn’t give anywhere near enough light, but they do look pretty. It’s across the garden, and has quickly become affectionately known as the washing line.

MOH spotted some battery garden lights, which can be connected to make longer strings. And so a master plan has been formed. Armed with a length of solar lights, a measure and today’s equivalent of the back of a fag packet, the plan was hatched.

a garden light master plan

The plan is to add three further strings of lights across the conservatory, the patio and further down the garden to transform our garden into a twinkling wonderland, although not so much of the twinkling. MOH is tasked with making the purchase tomorrow, and now all we need is some lanterns to supplement these. If I’m lucky i’ll have sourced these by next spring!

I took some time Wednesday afternoon away from my laptop, and away from work. Not quite as soon as I wanted, but some time nonetheless. I was dithering about what to do, and where to go, as I was waiting for the doctor to call, and with impeccable timing, he called. My blood pressure average for the past week wasn’t so different from the reading when I visited the surgery, in fact he asked me if I’d been taking the tablets. I had, and now I have more, so hopefully we’ll see a difference. And all because of a routine medication check, which has been a few years overdue, as it turned out.

notmycat on the roof of the little shed

I said last week about how the littlest #notmycat has an unhealthy interest in the squirrels, it seems her attention has been turned. Not for the first time this week we’ve spotted her making full use of the small shed’s roof. Yesterday instead of darting off, she tolerated my attempts to get closer. Not quite up to a tickle like her brother Sid (aka Killer) but comfortable enough to settle down.

We spent most of Sunday gardening, which is the first time for a while. But it looks much better for it, and I even found a lone sweet pea.

a single sweet pea

Gorgeous, I wish there were more!

I’ve only got a couple of days at work this week, but looking at the weather forecast I’m not sure that our planned trip to the south coast will happen. But then again if Boris has an announcement anything like the predictions we might choose not to go anyway.

Who knows, I think we’ll just have to wait and see. That’s much the story of 2020 though, isn’t it?