A tidy up in the garden

After starting to put the garden to bed last weekend, when we spotted the sun shining again this Sunday we headed out to do a bit more. The plan was to put the umbrellas away, and move the hibiscus (finally). But as it was warm in the sun, as often happens a little bit more was done. I took the opportunity to plant out those Lords and Ladies from the greenhouse in my gabion basket planters - I think they should do pretty well in there, as that's the most woodland-like area of our garden.

Lords and ladies in my gabion basket planters

As I was pottering about I couldn't help but notice that the chrysants are starting to fade - and I think they look better this way.  They are ultimately destined for the allotment, but we're enjoying the burst of colour they bring. Usually though they don't have much company for colour, this year with its wacky temperatures there's still some bedding about.

The chrysants are fading

And of course the hibiscus. It still has buds. Bonkers hey?

The hibiscus is still in bud too

We did move it though into a much more sheltered position alongside the agapanthus which have the shelter of the conservatory, and the warmth of two boiler outlets (ours and next doors, we don't have two boilers!)

There was also some time for some weeding. Remember my much loved corner from the summer? Well it looks a little different now - it looked different again before the weeding too!  The lavender has filled out, and the petunias are done. 

The French lavender has been trimmed and my favourite spot is visible again

The lone strawberry plant growing between two paving slabs has filled out quite a bit too.

The lone strawberry plant between the paving slabs has filled out too

And the begonias seem to be in competition with the small Christmas tree.  Hiding amongst the begonias (on the right) are some more Lords and Ladies,  I hadn't seen them there before, so they must have been one of the tubers I planted hopefully.  I could - if I'm lucky - have a whole pot of them we'll have to see.

The begonias are still growing and flowering

Further along the sleeper bed, I spied this pretty leaf and while these were destined for the compost, this sole pretty leaf gave them a stay of execution. I'm expecting to be repaid with more pretty leaves!

A pretty begonia leaf further along the sleeper bed

As I was clearing more weeds from around the circle I spied this discarded flower head and was struck by its vibrancy, even though it's clearly decaying.

a burst of faded colour

The sedum are turning their jewelled colour and the winter jasmine is clambering through them - these are more usual plants for this time of year, and it's good to see them.

the burgundy of the sedums against the grass

While I faffed about and took pictures, MOH was mowering up fallen leaves and feeling all smug with himself for using the lawnmower. It worked well, but won't be an option soon as the grass will be too wet. Which is a shame as picking up leaves is back breaking work, and something I'm happy to leave to him, which of course he's spotted.  

Fatsia flowers are almost like christmas baubles

And still the fatsia wows me, with it's delicate bauble-like flower heads. I'm glad it's one of the plants we can see from the window. Exquisite isn't it?

But guess what? It was windy overnight and the cherry tree has deposited another dusting of leaves, all over the grass. I'm pretty sure MOH thinks the trees in collusion with the squirrels (who continue to dig up the lawn just to annoy MOH!)

How's your garden, have you ventured out there recently?