Leaving flowers and a crocheted throw

For the past few weeks the house has been full of flowers and it’s been lovely. I’ve appreciated their bright colours and the scent and the thoughtfulness from my former colleagues. They were beginning to go past their best, as cut flowers do, but it was good to have them at their best for a good two weeks before we came away. It struck me as I was removing some of the blooms that hadn’t lasted quite so well that the colours were very similar to the crocheted blanket I was close to finishing. And so that became my challenge - to finish, or almost finish - the throw before the flowers completely went.

My aim was to photograph them together. And I did.

a brightly coloured crochet blanket thrown across a  garden table with a jug of brightly coloured flowers alongside

The crocheted throw is in the very loosest terms ‘finished’. It’s finished in that I’ve used up all of the Yarn Advent box from last December, and the two additional skeins that I’d bought to offer some consistency through the project. I knew this was always going to be a colourful blanket, and I wasn’t wrong was I?!

But what I didn’t know at the time -and couldn’t have known as the Yarn Advent is 24 individual small skeins where the colour is a surprise - is how well they would match my leaving flowers, but they do, don’t they?

zoomed in to the crochet blanket and jug of flowers
a green dahlia alongside the brightly coloured crochet blanket

So this blanket will now forever be known as my leaving flowers throw, and nothing could make me happier.

A closer look at the striped square crochet blanket

I’ve still to completely finish the throw by sewing in the ends, and I may add a couple more rows to enlarge it a little - though I’ll need to keep the colours bright, but I’ve a feeling that will be easy enough. And what a great unplanned memory to have of my leaving my job flowers.

I was featured on Blogger Showcase