Post Comment Love & Blogger Showcase 14-16 September

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo - if you were here last week, it was great to see you. If you’re new here this week, then you’re very welcome. Don’t forget when you link up if you tag Morgan and I we’ll happily retweet your post, and we’ll usually share your post when we read it too.

This week has been a busy one so far, and there’s still more to come, but there’s been time for socialising with friends too, so it’s not been bad at all. This stint of busyness has an end in sight though, and that’s good, because it’s been pretty full on. Then I’ll be spending time trying to catch up with myself, doing the things I’ve neglected both at work and at home, and here too.

There’s not been many, if any photos this week and so rather than go photo-less like last week, I’ve jumped back to last September. This pretty pebble door stood out, partly for its attractiveness but also because we’ve started tackling our own front door. It’s taken a bit of a battering from the nice weather, and when we took the sofas out and some brute force was needed.

We have the paint, and it’s not too dissimilar to this colour, but now we just need the time to make it happen. Just the painting, we’re not going for the pebbled look. That might be quite weird in London.

A Devonian front door, with pebbles

Blogger Showcase: Alina from Fairytale Pretty Picture

1, Who are you?

I’m Alina Ghost and I’m an interior blogger at The Fairytale Pretty Picture and podcast founder & host of SEO with Mrs Ghost

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I discover blogs through attending events, social media and definitely from friends’ recommending their favourites too. I enjoy the blogging community and the support everyone gives to each other. 

3. Why did you start blogging?

I was reading blogs for inspiration and always found that there was a pretty picture I fell in love with. I wanted to inspire people too and document my crafts and redecorating projects. It then evolved very quickly.

4. What do you find most challenging?

Having enough time to do everything I want to do. I work full time and so blogging and podcasting is a hobby. Doing it on the weekend and fitting it all in with life-admin can be a real challenge but it’s all worth it!

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

Interiors. So homeware, DIY, furniture makeovers and the like. It’s a load of fun to see a crappy corner of the house turn into an Instagram sensation. 

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

A mix of both. I did have goals for years and it helped me grow and focus my attention on particular areas. Most recently however I have moved away from blogging frequently in order to spend time with my dying nan but she passed away the other day so I’m sure I’ll plunge back in no time. 

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

The community and the support that it offers. Everyone so far is has been absolutely lovely and it’s great to hear feedback about your own work too. 

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

Yes, there was plenty to learn and great people to meet. It was also a good opportunity to speak to brands and get the blog name out there. 

9. What are your 3 best posts?

I love fairytales and so I put together this post on the 9+ interiors that would look like a fairytale in the real world and if you had the design in your home. 

The second article I’d say would be 10 ways to decorate a rented place. As less and less people are able to afford a property I think these tips are really important to people.

Last but not least my how to make wardrobe sachets is the most visited post every week. People LOVE it because it’s super easy and super helpful.

10. Describe yourself in three words!

Enthusiastic, friendly and vibrant. 

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

ALL of the above. I’m a feeder at work haha. I love biscuits and cake and I’m always drinking tea and coffee... yup, even when it’s 30+ degrees. 

12. What's your idea of a perfect night out?

I would say a girly night out with food and cocktails would be perfect after a busy working week. It’s great to relax and enjoy great food as well as company. 

13. Your perfect night in?

With my husband and pup watching a sci-fi or horror movie. I would also add a glass of red wine in with that if I may…

14. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

I think they’d say I’m helpful. I enjoy aiding others and would go out of my way to go above and beyond what a family member or friend would do. Hopefully they’ll agree!