A Very English Garden

We're popping back to this year's Chelsea Flower Show for today's post to take a look at another of the artisan gardens, sponsored by The Claims Guys and simply titled A Very English Garden, as as the board said it was "designed to stand the test of time" and to be "simply a beautiful garden" and I think it manages that.

The detail in the stonework entrance, and the overall impression is stunning. It's reminiscent of a grand English country garden and hard to believe that this was only constructed for the show.  It also tricks you into believing it's a much larger space than it is, and just the entrance to a much grander garden.

A simply beautiful garden at the chelsea flower show 2018

The garden celebrates craftmanship and tradition and draws its inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement, and it does remind me of our first visit to Coleton Fishacre in Devon back in 2013, and my blog post is an old one and one that I moved over from my previous site, so the photos are tiny.

I think this garden works, not only because it's pretty, but also because of its symmetry.

An artisan garden at Chelsea reminiscent of the arts and crafts movement

The planting was, as you'd expect from a garden at Chelsea, fantastic and full of pinks and purples and something that is easily replicated in our own gardens.  I think that's one of the best things of the show, the planting is often attainable, but attractive too.

Looking down at the planting

There's roses and columbines - or granny's bonnets - and while the latter can be treated as weeds in my garden, they're still pretty and allowed until they take over!

A rose by any other name in a very english garden at RHS chelsea
Pinks and purples of the planting against the green and the cool stone arch

I think the garden set out what it intended, and is a simply beautiful garden.  I'm not the only one to think so as the garden was awarded silver-gilt by the judges and voted the best artisan garden in the people's choice vote, what do you think?