The outside loo

It’s been a bit quiet here this week, which is reflecting real life right now but also because I haven’t known quite what to share. I’ve been editing and sorting photos, and reminding myself that I still have my 2016 photo yearbook to complete. But that’s also led to the rediscovery of these photos, and it’s not quite the outside loo you’d expect.

This outside loo is at the National Trust’s Killerton, and is really more of a cabin. It’s a godsend too when you’re part way round the garden, for me, it was handy following the wasp sting and somewhere to try and remove the smell of vinegar.

I wasn’t quite expecting this though. It was rustic, but stylishly so with plenty of modern touches.

The garden loos at NT Killerton in Devon

The wall tiles, the floor tiles - though I think the grout was a bit overly rustic for me - and as a fan of maps, I thought that was a great touch on the back wall.

rustic tiled floor at NT Killerton garden loos

The lights had that contemporary feel too, and looking up it was very ‘au naturel’.

lighting in the rustic cabin
a natural roof too

So a shed, or cabin, with style. And an outdoor loo with a difference, that’s for sure.
