Books and bed...

So now we know our post-lockdown tiers. For London it’s tier 2, which is what I expected really, and hoped that it wouldn’t be tier 3, I do feel for those that have unexpectedly found themselves there. I think it was probably close for London, and to be honest with the amount of people out and about on ‘essential’ trips, it could quite easily escalate.

And so, books and bed is quite apt. That feels like a very sensible option. So I thought it was a good time to share the bedroom in the holiday cottage we stayed in last month, ahead of all these tiers. It was a small, but perfectly formed space.

the bedroom in spinks cottage norfolk

So small that it was mostly the king size bed. The ‘room’ itself had two ‘doors’ or rather curtains across each entrance. There was no walking around the bed, and the bed was high. So high, that there were small stools to help you climb in. But it was a fab space.

colourful books on the nook above the bed

The alcove above the pillows held plenty of stylish looking books. Carefully arranged, but books that were clearly well used. As books should be.

rainbow books on the shelf

The colours drew me in. And then the books did too.

classic books artfully arranged

The childhood memories from these Observer’s books came flooding back. I’m sure we had a similar series of books, if not these.

The observer book of dogs
a shelf of Observer books

Definitely a world of information at your fingertips.

a small but perfectly formed space

I told you the room was small didn’t I? But one stuffed full of character.

the wardrobe - a ladder with hangers

And despite the decorative approach to the wardrobe there was plenty of inbuilt storage space. Under the bed. That’s why it was so high. The pull out drawers were large enough to hold our travel bag. That alone was worth climbing into bed for.

pilgrim's progress - another book on the shelf

I hope you’re coping with the latest announcements and the restrictions they bring. I’ve a busy few weeks at work ahead, but the thought - and promise to myself - of books and bed will get me through it.
