An art inspired lounge

Pale green and pale pink is a great colour combination and it was great to see this at Grand Designs Live earlier in the year. There they mixed in some art and the whole room set had a feeling of art deco about it. I’m not sure about the vertical battens on the wall though.

dusky pink and pale green in the lounge room set at Grand Designs Live

I am a fan of the freestanding boxed shelf unit, not only because it matches the room so well, but also because it’s not a uniform shape and because it’s so versatile, it could work in many rooms.

Dusky pink, prints and geometric designs

Look at the fringing on those cushions, and the screen. There’s definitely a 1920s feel, isn’t there, which is only accentuated with the geometric patterned rug.

soft furnishings in the lounge at grand designs live

I do like the lamp above the light box, it makes me smile in an unexplainable way. And (with clothes) it’d be a great fancy dress costume, and relatively easy to achieve. I have costumes on the mind at the moment as we’re off to a celebration of the First World War this coming weekend, and the dress code is of the era. After much research and looking at images on Google, I’ve realised it’s an era that isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it’s certainly not as fun (obviously) as the 1920s. For men, most often it was uniform, which is harder for MOH to source than a longish skirt, white blouse and hat that I sourced in the charity shops this weekend.

I’ve some final touches to put to the hat to dress it up a bit - I was thinking fabric flowers, and I’ve a suffragette ‘hunger strike’ medal to finish my outfit, and I’m sure I’ll share more here if I manage to make it work, and if I manage to persuade MOH to buy anything from a charity shop that he’ll actually wear. I got him to buy a flat cap, and it suits him, and I’ve a feeling he quite likes it too, but isn’t letting on too much just yet. Ideally with a brown coloured waistcoat and a neckerchief he could pass as a gardener, or similar, which is a lot easier than anything military. I’m not sure I’ll persuade him to wear wellies out on a Saturday night, but you never know…

a different angle of the room set at GDL18

But I digress, what do you think of this room?