The loos at the Engine Room

The Engine Room is just over the road from Belvoir Castle in Lincolnshire, where we visited on our short break back in the summer. The castle is fabulous, the gardens more impressive than you might imagine as they’re set on a steep slope - you don’t get many castles that aren’t at the top of the hill do you, so that’s to be expected.

The Engine Room is a new development and mixes retail, entertainment and from what we saw is looking to build community. There’s a mix of food, garden and restaurants, and plenty going on. And some loos, of course - and more than your standard loos at that. That much was clear as soon as I saw the tiles.

Apart from the colours, it would have been easy to believe you were in Portugal - the weather the day we visited though, was far from warm and sunny!

I know a loo is a loo, these were pleasantly stylish - and I’m sure that was on purpose and reflected the ethos of the whole development. As well as the retail options during the day, there were also social spaces with entertainment planned. It looks like it would be a really good place to meet friends throughout the year - I’m sure we’ll be back there at some point.

But yes, those tiles. More muted than the blues and yellows I’ve seen in Portugal, but definitely no less beautiful/
