Big Ideas: An Oriental spa bathroom

This bathroom definitely has the wow factor, and while I’m not usually drawn to Oriental decor I’d happily make an exception for a bathroom like this. I’m not sure I’d spend much time anywhere else though. It’s a very well put together roomset, but has one element that i think is completely impractical, no matter how pretty it looks. I think you’ll spot what I mean fairly quickly…

The Big Ideas for this bathroom are:

  1. A sunken fish tank - yeap - the impractical element. It does provide a focal point, but most of us only have an indoor water feature when something’s leaking, right?

  2. Japanese screens: the frosted screens provide diffused light, and their sliding design would also work well to divide a room.

  3. A modern bath: another standalone bath, and a shape that works for me. I’m much more of a simple clean lines kind of girl, rather than the fancy, twirly approach.

  4. Zoned floor: it works here, I think because the space is big enough. In a smaller space I’m not sure it would have quite the same impact.

  5. The white suite: I’m in the “why would you have another colour suite” gang, but then again I’ve replaced a couple of avocado baths…

A touch of the orient in this big ideas room set at the Ideal Home Show

I like the flowers in the sunken stream, but I’m clumsy enough to fall into it regularly. So even if it was feasible, I’m still not convinced on the practical side. And don’t even mention pets or children. Or coming home a little bit tiddly.

That bath, that screen  - pure gorgeousness

I do love the screen though, isn’t it fabulous? Although I think I’d need the bath facing the other way so I could spend my time in the tub imagining the fish swimming about, how relaxing would that be?

A bathroom that exudes calm at the ideal home show

The other thing that’s pleasing is the grouting and its straight lines, which are also calming and another thing to let your eye wander over while relaxing. I know that sometimes if I let my mind wander on things like this, then suddenly whatever my mind has been wondering and pondering over becomes clear. I think this bathroom would be the perfect antidote.

An inlaid stream one of the more unusual features

But maybe not the stream…

It looks good but I'm not sure how practical it really is

Although I do have to admit it does look pretty. Just, as I said before, not very practical!