A new crochet project

Last December, for the first time in a long while, both MOH treated ourselves to an advent calendar. His was coffee, though I think he’d much have preferred whisky, or as he later discovered a port advent calendar, and mine was wool. I was more than happy.

A fully opened yarn advent calendar

Each morning, opening our advent calendar, became part of our new ritual. He even feigned interest in the wool, me likewise for the coffee! My original plan had been to try and use each skein close to the day I opened it, but that was way too optimistic. And so they were carefully admired and put aside for when I knew I could enjoy them properly.

And here they are. The nerd in me couldn’t resit photographing them in order, starting with day 1 in the top left corner. The nerd in me is still sticking to using them in order too, as you’ll discover later on in this post.

24 mini skeins

Clearly I had no idea what colours would be included, but I’d given some thought in advance on how I would use them, but before we get onto that I needed to wind them to use. No fancy winding tools here, so I spent an enjoyable afternoon creating these balls of wool ready for use, and thankfully not too many of them misbehaved and ended up in a muddle of knots. Though a couple did, and my patience to untangle them astounded me.

24 balls of wool ready for use

Having already given how I would use them some thought and deciding to try something slightly different for me - though still crocheted squares - I knew I would need some neutrals to make my half and half squared blanket, well, less garish.

I’ve started with day 1, and so far I’m really pleased with how they’re turning out. I chose two neutral colours, one a pinky-grey and the other (not shown) a blue-green, both of which are colours that fit our decor and I like.

two half and half squares

So now, it like one or two other projects on the go is calling my name each evening when we sit and relax. And I’m keen to see how this one works out.
